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The officers touched base at a crossing point in the eastern Los Angeles suburb around 8 a.m., yet they didn’t understand an auto that had struck two others at a stoplight was accounted for stolen, Los Angeles County sheriff’s Lt. John Corina said.

One driver called attention to the area of the auto that had raise finished his vehicle, and the officers moved toward the driver, Corina said at an evening news gathering.

“When they get him out of the auto, they go to pat him down for weapons, they can see he has tattoos everywhere all over and everywhere on his neck,” Corina said.

The man then pulled a self-loader handgun and opened discharge at the officers, who were wearing impenetrable vests and shot back, Corina said.

One of the officers was articulated dead at a healing facility. The other officer and the affirmed shooter were hospitalized in stable condition, Corina said.

Their names were not promptly discharged.

The 26-year-old suspect is a known posse part who had been paroled around 10 days before, Corina said.

After the shooting, a long line of squad cars escorted the killed officer’s body from a healing center in Irvine to the coroner’s office. Grievers put candles and blooms outside police central station.

The Whittier Police Department has around 125 sworn officers who police Whittier and Santa Fe Springs in southeastern Los Angeles County.

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